Don’t Forget the Gummy Bear Implant

Breast Augmentation CalgaryIf you’ve been considering having breast augmentation, you know you have many decisions to make beyond just the overall procedure. We covered many of those decisions in Dr. Frank’s December blog.

Of course, you’ll need to choose the type of implants you want. Most women think of choosing between saline and silicone implant options. But there really is another choice that is different enough to merit almost its own category, the gummy bear implant. Dr. Frank wants his patients to have as much information as possible, so here’s some information on these implants.

What is a gummy bear implant?

Gummy bear implants are relatively new to the Canadian market, but they’ve been used in the U.S. and Europe for nearly 20 years. After years of use throughout the country, Health Canada finally approved the use of gummy bear implants in October 2006. These implants retain their shape, unlike other implant choices, because the gel is thicker than traditional silicone implants. In addition to “gummy bear implants” they are also known as cohesive, form-stable, or highly cohesive.

Cohesive silicone gel

There is some misunderstanding about what “cohesive gel” breast implants really are. In reality, all silicone implants sold today use a more “cohesive” silicone gel than implants from the 80s and early 90s. Only the most cohesive, i.e. thicker, are deemed to be “gummy bear implants.” To get an idea of the density, if a cohesive implant is cut in half, there is no gross movement of gel, and the implant maintains its shape.


Gummy bear implants have a lower rate of capsular contracture and rupture. Like traditional implants, gummy bear implants can rupture, although the gel tends to stay within the implant. Rippling is far less prevalent with cohesive implants than with traditional silicone implants, although this is usually related to how much tissue is atop the implant.

Are you considering breast augmentation? Call Dr. Frank at (403) 245-1228 to schedule a consultation and you can discuss whether gummy bear implants would be right for you.

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