Male Breast Reduction

Can Exercise Reduce Male Gynecomastia?

Fit,Man,Jogging,On,The,Beach.,Mid,Adult,Fitness,Man Male gynecomastia is a medical condition characterized by excessive breast tissue, which can severely affect a man’s masculinity and self-confidence. This may leave you wondering what your treatment options are. While the right exercise regimen can improve your appearance, it cannot reduce the amount of glandular breast tissue you have. However, Ryan Frank, MD, does provide a solution for addressing your condition.

Keep reading to learn more about the potential treatment options for gynecomastia.

Causes of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is an excess accumulation of glandular tissue in the breast. Its most common cause is hormonal fluctuations during puberty, but it can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Many drugs can exacerbate male gynecomastia, including alcohol, marijuana, and anabolic steroids. In addition, medications that treat anxiety and depression can also contribute to gynecomastia. This generally occurs because they’re altering the hormones in your body, leading to an imbalance.

There’s also pseudogynecomastia, which is a separate condition that can cause men to have oversized breasts. It’s caused by the accumulation of excess fatty tissue in the chest. However, gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia can be present in the same person.


Exercise could be part of an overall treatment plan for gynecomastia, but it’s generally impossible to reduce the amount of glandular breast tissue through exercise alone. While the right exercise can develop the underlying chest muscles, even regular, vigorous workouts usually won’t create a significant improvement in gynecomastia. Male breast reduction surgery is typically needed to physically remove the excess glandular tissue from the breasts.

In the case of pseudogynecomastia, however, diet and exercise are more promising options. Like any fatty tissue, the excess fat in the chest that causes this condition can be improved through a fitness program. The combination of diet and aerobic activity like running or cycling can reduce the amount of fat throughout the body, including the chest.

How Dr. Frank Can Help

Dr. Frank specializes in male breast reduction surgery and has the years of experience needed to perform this procedure with care and precision. Contact us online or call our office at (403) 245-1228 to schedule your appointment today!

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What Are the Causes of Gynecomastia?

male breast reduction Men of various ages and sizes may be affected by the disorder known as gynecomastia. Swelling, soreness, or discomfort are common symptoms, and it frequently results in excessive tissue development in the chest region. Although it is not a life-threatening illness, having it can be painful and embarrassing. In this blog article, we’ll examine the several potential causes of gynecomastia and discuss the various viable treatments. We’ll also look at how altering one’s food and way of living might lessen the symptoms of gynecomastia while also enhancing one’s general well-being and standard of living. Let’s dive into the causes of gynecomastia and how you can treat your condition.


An imbalance in hormones, often brought on by a drop in testosterone or a rise in estrogen, is one of the most frequent causes of gynecomastia. While it can happen in maturity as well, this hormonal imbalance frequently happens during adolescence when hormone production normally rises and falls. Certain prescription medicines, such as steroids, thyroid problems, underlying medical diseases, such as renal failure, and specific tumors or malignant cells close to the breast tissue are other potential reasons.


Gynecomastia can be treated in a variety of ways. Changes in diet and lifestyle can aid with symptom reduction while also enhancing general health and quality of life. A balanced diet, avoiding processed foods, frequent exercise, and stress management are some of these adjustments. In order to control hormone levels or to lessen the size of enlarged breasts, prescription drugs may also be recommended. Surgery may be a possibility in more severe situations to remove extra glandular tissue or fat from the chest region.

Get Your Gynecomastia Treatment With Dr. Ryan Frank 

If you are in or around the Calgary area and are interested in learning more about how you can treat your gynecomastia, Dr. Ryan Frank is your ticket to feeling and looking better than ever. He specializes in male breast reduction surgery and provides the experience and expertise to ensure that your treatment is done with the utmost care and precision. Contact us today at (403) 245-1228 visit us online at to schedule your consultation!

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Men, Now Is a Good Time to Address Your Enlarged Breasts

Other than changing into our hockey pads for our beer league games, a Calgary winter doesn’t feature many situations where you need to take your shirt off around anyone other than your spouse or partner.

Phew. If you’re saddled with enlarged male breasts, you’re likely self-conscious about removing your shirt when around others. And that can make you turn down invitations, such as river rafting, that you would otherwise jump at the opportunity.

That’s no way to go through life.

Fortunately, Dr. Frank can help by performing male breast reduction surgery at his Calgary practice.

What is gynecomastia?

True gynecomastia is triggered by a decrease in the amount of the hormone testosterone compared with estrogen. This causes an increase in the amount of breast gland tissue in both teenage boys and men. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts or it can affect them unevenly.

This breast enlargement isn’t a serious health issue, but it can be embarrassing for a man. It can make a man avoid scenarios where he would be required to take his shirt off.

Gynecomastia can go away on its own, and it typically does in adolescents at the conclusion of puberty. This can also happen with adults if the changes in aging have created variations in testosterone levels. But in adults, the condition is often combined with some fatty tissue and glandular enlargement, so it may not fully resolve.

How is breast reduction done?

If the patient’s enlarged breasts are mainly the result of fatty tissue, Dr. Frank may be able to perform limited liposuction to remove this tissue, but if the patient has the rubbery mass of true gynecomastia liposuction won’t be sufficient.

In these cases, surgery is necessary. To avoid obvious scarring, Dr. Frank usually will make incisions around the areolae. He will then remove the glandular tissue, along with excess skin and fat. Liposuction may be included if the patient has an abundance of fat in the breasts in addition to the glandular tissue. The procedure usually lasts around 1-2 hours.

When can I get back to my normal activities after this surgery?

You can walk the day of your surgery with Dr. Frank. You can drive after a week. Most male breast reduction patients can return to work in 1-2 weeks. If you have strenuous work that involves your chest, this will need to be delayed. You’ll know when you’re ready to return to that kind of labor and to strenuous exercise. Pure chest exercises, such as lifting weights, will need to wait for probably about 6-8 weeks. Dr. Frank will discuss timelines with you during your consultation.

Are you embarrassed by your enlarged breasts? It’s probably not something you simply have to live with. Call Dr. Frank at (403) 245-1228 to schedule a consultation.

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Is There an Age Limit for Male Breast Reduction?

It’s not unusual for a woman with overly large natural breasts to seek to have reduction surgery. The reasons are often a mix of both physical and emotional, even social factors.

Conversely, while many men suffer from enlarged breasts, a condition clinically known as gynecomastia, few have the surgery with Dr. Frank to correct the problem. Instead, they simply avoid taking off their shirt or tolerate the “man boob” jokes from friends. That’s not good for anyone’s self-esteem.

It’s usually not simply due to weight gain

Gynecomastia, commonly known as abnormal male breast enlargement, is frequently associated with teenage boys. This is largely due to hormonal shifts around this period, as well as excess body weight gained throughout childhood. Recently, as the procedure has received more attention, older patients in their 50’s & 60’s have considered the procedure. The question is — is there a top age limit for male breast reduction? The short answer is — it depends.

There is no specific age limit in reducing the appearance of enlarged male breasts via surgery. Older men can still go through the procedure as long as they’re generally healthy and have no existing health issues that could potentially increase the risk of complications from anesthesia and the surgery itself.

Skin laxity can be a problem with breast reduction on older men. After the excess glandular tissue is removed, the skin needs to tighten down to its new slimmer contours. Otherwise, the procedure is somewhat pointless. So, when you’re in for your consultation with Dr. Frank, he will assess how elastic or inelastic your skin is. The maturity that comes with the passing years also allows older patients to have a more realistic view of this surgery and what it can, and cannot, improve. So, know that age alone is not a deciding factor in whether or not male breast reduction surgery would be effective.

The procedure

Male breast reduction surgery with Dr. Frank is not an overly difficult procedure. Under a general anesthesia, first, liposuction via tiny incisions is performed to remove excess fat. Excess breast glands may be removed through a tiny incision made beneath the areola (the dark portion of nipples). The procedure can take from two to three hours with initial recovery lasting two-4 weeks, with full recovery at about 6-8 weeks.

If you have enlarged breasts, you don’t have to “man up” and live with them. You may have gynecomastia and no matter what you do you can’t decrease your breasts. If you have questions, call Dr. Frank at (403) 245-1228 and set up a consultation for male breast reduction.

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Male Breast Reduction

Most of us have a male friend with larger than normal breasts. You may have heard people call them “man boobs.” You may even have heard men with said breasts describe their own chests this way.

Most people just assume the larger breasts are simply due to weight gain. But in half the cases you’d be wrong with that assumption — around half of men with this condition have what is known as male breast enlargement, clinically known as gynecomastia.  It’s a condition that can really impact a man’s self-esteem, making him avoid trips to the lake or even taking off a shirt while out working in the yard.

Dr. Frank can address the condition with male breast reduction.

What leads to gynecomastia?

When adults develop gynecomastia, the causes are not always easy to pinpoint.

But in teenagers, gynecomastia is more the norm than not. Up to 70 percent of adolescent/pubescent boys have enlarged breasts to some degree. In teens, the cause is obvious: rampaging testosterone and estrogen levels. As these levels fluctuate wildly during puberty, so can breast size and other issues that are linked to hormone levels such as facial hair. These changes are temporary in most teens, resolving when they exit puberty.

In adults, middle-aged and older men can also develop enlarged breasts due to hormone changes that come with aging. But more often gynecomastia comes from taking certain medications. These are the medications known to have a link to gynecomastia:

  • Antibiotics
  • Heartburn treatment drugs
  • Anti-anxiety drugs
  • Steroids
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • AIDS treatment drugs

Heavy drinking and smoking marijuana can also lead to gynecomastia.

Breast reduction surgery

Men with gynecomastia have a firm, rubbery mass underneath the nipple area. The size of this mass is around 1.5 inches across and it may be sensitive to the touch.

If surgery is required, small incisions are made in the armpits or around the areolae. Through those incisions, excess fat and glandular tissue are removed and excess skin is trimmed. Dr. Frank may also include liposuction to remove fat pockets. If excess fat is the key, the patient may only need liposuction.

If you’re a man and you have larger than normal breasts, please call Dr. Frank at (403) 245-1228 to schedule a consultation.

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Is Gynecomastia Treatment a Permanent Solution to Male Breasts?

Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) CalgaryBreast tissue is something that we expect to be soft and plentiful on the female chest. On the male chest, the breasts are expected to be slimmer, tighter, more toned. This is true even amongst men whom would not be described as athletic. The presence of excess tissue often leads to substantial loss of self-esteem. Men with gynecomastia often experience a sense of isolation, sometimes going so far as to try and hide excess tissue beneath tight undergarments or layered clothing.  This is why we are proud to provide gynecomastia surgery to the men of Calgary in a professional, friendly manner.

Addressing the Big Question

Judging by the immense popularity of gynecomastia surgery, there is very little question about the efficacy of this procedure. However, men may wonder about the longevity of their new body. Will gynecomastia surgery solve the problem of excess breast tissue for good? Is there a possibility that male breast tissue will return sometime after initial treatment? These are good questions and warrant a descriptive response.

In most cases, male breast reduction meets the objective of sculpting the chest, and also the objective of long term results. The needs of individual patients are met by our performance of a comprehensive consultation and initial assessment. Sometimes the issue is that too much tissue has developed in the breasts. Sometimes, the breast glands are part of the problem. By discerning the extent of involvement during the initial consultation, Dr. Frank can secure the best results for each patient. Now to possible reasons that male breast tissue may re-grow after treatment.

The list of risk factors for gynecomastia are no different for men who undergo initial treatment than for men who do not obtain treatment for this condition. The primary reason why breast tissue may expand is weight gain. Any man who gains a significant amount of weight is at risk for some of those fat deposits setting on the chest.

Secondary to weigh gain, but associated with it in many cases is an increase in estrogen-dominance. Hormone imbalance can occur for other reasons, including the natural progression of age and the onset of andropause. Yes, that’s a thing. Where weight is concerned, what men need to understand is that excess fat allows estrogen to soar. The more estrogen in the body, the less testosterone there may be. It’s a vicious cycle that should be avoided if at all possible.

Additional reasons that expansion of fat cells in the breasts may occur include the use of certain medications, of anabolic steroids, or of marijuana.

Contact our office in Calgary at (403) 245-1228 to discuss gynecomastia and your treatment options.

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Male Breast Reduction a Viable Solution for Gynecomastia

GynecomastiaTypically, breast procedures are associated with women wanting a more feminine physique. For a number of reasons, men facing the constant, intense shame of gynecomastia have historically avoided talking about their condition. Today, a very precise breast procedure can help men with “man boobs” reclaim their confidence and sense of self.

Enlarged Breasts? It’s Not Your Fault!

Breast enlargement in men is often thought a problem of excess fat. While there is an overabundance of tissue in the enlarged male breast, true gynecomastia is more complex than being overweight. Men with gynecomastia are encouraged to attain a healthy weight. However, the idea that diet and exercise can solve the issue of enlarged male breasts is just not accurate. Such an idea places the blame squarely onto a man’s shoulders. When attempts to exercise breasts away fail, a man can become deeply depressed and hopeless to find a solution.

Dr. Ryan Frank offers men in the Calgary area hope. In our office, patients have a friendly and discreet atmosphere in which they can discuss gynecomastia with an experienced physician.

What is Male Breast Reduction?

Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia surgery, may consist of one procedure or two. When the primary issue is excess fatty tissue in the breast, optimal results may be achieved with liposuction. Sometimes, enlarged breasts are the result of excess fat and glandular tissue. Breast glands may be removed with surgical excision. The precision techniques with which male breast reduction is performed optimize the final outcome while also minimizing post-operative discomfort. Most men are able to resume some of their normal activities within a week or two after surgery. The procedure leaves only minimal scarring in most cases.

Is Male Breast Reduction Right for You?

Men that are at a healthy weight are good candidates for male breast reduction surgery. To see if this procedure is right for your needs, schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank. During your visit, you have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and desired outcome with a physician who understands the emotional impact that enlarged breasts has had on you.

Gynecomastia can be resolved, leading you into a more confident you. Call (403) 245-1228 to schedule your consultation.

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Breast Reduction Techniques: Which One Is Right For You?

breast reductionBreast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a solution for women who are unhappy with their appearance, or who suffer from back pain or breathing problems due to overly enlarged breasts.

This procedure involves removing excess fat, skin and breast tissue to reshape smaller breasts that are more proportionate to the rest of the body. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes about two hours.

There are a number of breast reduction techniques used by plastic surgeons, each with its own set of pros and cons. Some surgeons specialize in several techniques, so that they can tailor the procedure to each individual patient’s needs and desired outcome. The breast reduction technique used in each surgery should be chosen with care, based on a number of factors. During the consultation process, Dr. Frank carefully examines each patient and offers his recommendation on the technique that will work best and is in alignment with the patient’s goals.

Here is a guide to the three breast reduction techniques most frequently performed by Dr. Frank:

Traditional Breast Reduction

The most widely used technique, this method involves the surgeon making an anchor-shaped incision to remove fat, skin and glandular tissue from the lower breast. The incision is then closed, lifting the skin, and the nipple and areola are repositioned. This technique is ideal for women with very large breasts. However, scarring is more apparent with this method.

Vertical Incision Breast Reduction

Also known as a “lollipop” or “short scar” reduction, this technique requires the surgeon to make incisions which extend around the areola and down to the breast crease, creating a scar that resembles a lollipop shape. The vertical incision technique is ideal for women with moderately large breasts, since it creates a shapelier breast profile and the scarring is minimal. However, this technique cannot be used for women who require extensive breast tissue to be removed.

Scarless Breast Reduction

This method of reduction uses the liposuction technique to remove fatty tissue from the breast area. This procedure leaves little to no scarring, however it only removes fat cells. Therefore, the patients who would best benefit from this technique are those who have a large amount of fatty tissue as opposed to glandular tissue. This technique is commonly used on men who suffer from enlarged breasts.

Breast Reduction in Calgary

If you are interested in undergoing breast reduction surgerycontact Dr. Frank today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you!

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5 Common Plastic Surgery Myths

plastic surgeryAs plastic surgery procedures increase in popularity and more people opt to “go under the knife,” the abundance of myths and misinformation surrounding plastic surgery grows as well.

  1. Plastic surgery is only about looks. Though the nature of plastic surgery addresses cosmetic issues, research shows that consumers feel that looks are a major component of a person’s  overall well-being. Many patients feel healthier and more confident after surgery.
  2. Cosmetic and plastic surgery are the same thing. Don’t be fooled by titles and marketing tricks–cosmetic and plastic are not one and the same. Cosmetic procedures refer to any type of treatment that enhances aesthetics, while a person must undergo years of specialized surgical training to earn the title of a plastic surgeon.
  3. Only the rich can afford it. It used to be that elective plastic surgeries were reserved for the rich and famous. But now, thanks to advances in medicine and technology, plastic surgery is more accessible (and affordable) than ever. In fact, the cost of certain procedures has dropped in the last decade. The rise of non-surgical cosmetic treatments also helps individuals enhance their appearance without breaking the bank.
  4. Breast implants prohibit women from breastfeeding. Despite popular belief, there is no clinical evidence that suggests women with implants cannot breastfeed. While it is not guaranteed, many women who undergo breast augmentation go on to successfully breastfeed their children.
  5. It’s only for women. Once upon a time, plastic surgery was considered a woman’s game. But increasingly these days, men are throwing their hat into the ring and opting to undergo facelifts, liposuction, rhinoplasty and even breast reductions. Studies have shown that the number of men choosing cosmetic procedures has jumped 273 percent between 1997 and 2013.

Cosmetic Surgery in Calgary

If you are interested in undergoing a cosmetic procedure, contact Dr. Frank today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Gynecomastia: FAQs

GynecomastiaGynecomastia is the benign enlargement of breast tissue in males. While it does not pose serious threats to a man’s health, it may cause self-esteem issues and discomfort. Let’s take a closer look at some frequently-asked questions about gynecomastia.

  1. What causes gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is usually linked to changes or abnormalities in hormones. Sometimes, the male body experiences an imbalance in the production of the hormones testosterone and estrogen. Males normally produce estrogen in very small amounts. However, when males produce abnormally high levels of estrogen that are out of balance with levels of testosterone being produced by the body, breasts may form. Additionally, taking certain antibiotics, medications, or having serious health conditions can contribute to formation of enlarged male breasts. Aging also plays a part in the growth of male breasts.
  2. Can males of any age experience this problem? During puberty, many young men will experience the appearance of enlarged breasts. Usually, the end of puberty will also signal the disappearance of the male breasts. Enlarged breasts in males are most commonly seen in men between the ages of 50 and 80.
  3. What are the symptoms of gynecomastia? Some of the main symptoms associated with gynecomastia include swollen breast glands, swelling, and breast tenderness. Patients are urged to see a doctor if they experience persistent pain, tenderness, or discharge from the nipples of one or both breasts.
  4. How is gynecomastia treated? Medications may help some men manage the pain or symptoms of gynecomastia. For younger male patients who have the condition due to puberty, medication and periodic evaluations of the individual’s condition will be necessary. For men who find the condition extremely bothersome, breast reduction surgery may be the best option. Reduction surgery will remove fat and tissue from the breasts, as well as excess skin, giving patients a firmer, more flattering appearance.
  5. Is breast reduction surgery for me? If you feel stressed out or embarrassed by the appearance of enlarged breasts, reduction surgery may be right for you. Your doctor will work closely with you to determine what treatment is right for you!

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Calgary

If you are interested in male breast reduction surgery, or would like to learn about any other procedures we offer, contact us today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you!

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