Breast Reduction Surgery: Is it the Right Choice for You?
Breast reduction surgery may be an effective option for women with breasts disproportionate to their body size. This procedure can help address discomfort and low self-esteem associated with overly large breasts. Here are four questions you might find useful when deciding if breast reduction is right for you:
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?
Breast reduction surgery may be the right choice for those looking to reduce their overly large breasts. This is especially true for women who feel self-conscious and suffer physical discomfort, such as back pain, due to their condition. You should be at a healthy weight with a BMI (body mass index) no greater then 30 and a non-smoker. During your initial consultation, Dr. Ryan Frank will evaluate your medical history to determine if breast reduction surgery is viable.
Are There Different Types of Breast Reduction Surgery?
Yes, there are different types of breast reduction surgery. Dr. Frank offers different types of breast reduction surgery that will vary depending on the size of your breasts. Traditional surgery works best for patients with larger breasts, while Vertical Incision Breast Reduction works for moderately sized chests. Whatever your case, Dr. Frank will decide which technique will best fit your needs.
How Long Does It Take to Recover From Breast Reduction Surgery?
The healing period varies from patient to patient. Post-surgery, individuals may experience soreness and swelling at the location of their surgical procedure for a few days, along with some bruising. It is recommended that physical activity be kept to a minimum for approximately four weeks after the procedure to optimize the successful healing process.
Are There Any Complications Associated With Breast Reduction Surgery?
With any surgery, there is a potential for complications. Breast reduction surgery is no different. Some of the most common complications include scarring, infection, bleeding, and loss of sensation in the breasts. Discussing all risks with Dr. Frank during your consultation is essential to make an informed decision about proceeding with the procedure.
Contact Dr. Ryan Frank about Breast Reduction Surgery
Dr. Ryan Frank in Calgary can help you explore breast reduction surgery and other cosmetic procedures. If you wish to contact us, please call (403) 245-1228.
Breast Reduction Surgery: Is it the Right Choice for You? Read More »