The decision to have breast augmentation is a big one, and it will change your life. Dr. Frank’s patients have lots of questions when considering this surgery. Here are the answers to a few of the more common questions. Of course, if you have other questions, call us and schedule a consultation.
How long will my implants last?
Although it would be nice if they lasted forever, like any manufactured product, breast implants have a lifespan. At some point the implants will rupture or begin leaking and will need to be replaced. How long will that be? Manufacturers warranty their implants for 10 years, and will generally reimburse patients for failure prior to that timeframe. But the lifespan of patient implants can vary wildly.
If you opt to have breast augmentation, you’ll need to expect to have at least one replacement surgery in your lifetime. You should expect to need to replace your implants every 15 to 20 years. Implant durability is increasing, so these lifespans could lengthen. Replacement surgery is much easier than the original augmentation surgery, as Dr. Frank can enter through the original incisions.
How will I know what size to choose for my implants?
Some women think implants are sized similar to bra sizes, but this isn’t the case. Implants are sized by the amount of material filling the implant shell, measured in cubic centimeters (ccs). For instance, an implant could be 300 ccs. Dr. Frank & our breast augment nurse, will help you determine which implant will be best suited for the enhancement you are looking for.
When can I return to normal activities after my augmentation surgery?
Most patients are surprised when we tell them they can return to work approximately 3-5 days after surgery. One very important facet of recovery is wearing a support bra 24 hours a day for one full month after your surgery. It can be tempting to not follow these instructions, but it is important so as not to place any stress on your incisions. Otherwise, normal activities can resume in 2-3 weeks, but any impact exercise will need to wait for at least one month. Upper body exercise, such as lifting weights, will need to wait for six weeks.
Dr. Frank’s Calgary patients are very satisfied with their augmentation surgeries. If you want to add some shape to your figure, maybe it would be right for you. Call Dr. Frank at (403) 245-1228 to schedule a consultation or with any questions you may have.