
What You Should Know About Abdominoplasty

Tummy TucksTummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure to flatten your abdomen and waist. This is done by getting rid of excess skin and fat and tightening muscles through  surgery. The end result is a flatter, more appealing stomach.

What You Should Know

  • Qualities of a good candidate: You should have loose skin or fat pockets that have not been affected by exercise and diet. You should also be in a good physical condition. Older people who have lost elasticity of their skin can also undergo abdominoplasty. It is particularly helpful for women who have pregnancy related stretched muscles and skin. However, if you plan to have more children, then you should wait. It also helps if you lose weight before the procedure.
  • The procedure: Requiring around two and a half hours, the procedure is conducted with general anesthesia. There will be two incisions made: one around your navel, and another from one hipbone to the other, near your pubic area. The skin will be separated from the muscles. The latter are pulled together to give firmness and a shapely waist. Liposuction may also be required. The skin will then be pulled down on to the tightened muscles. The excess skin will be cut off and then the remaining will be sutured back together. Surgical dressings will then be placed.
  • Recovery, side effects, and complications: The time required to fully recover will range from two to three months. Sometimes, a tube may be inserted for a short period to drain out any excess fluid from the area of surgery. The results can last for a long time, provided you follow a proper diet and exercise regularly. Scars are inevitable but it is possible to make incisions in such a way that the resulting scars can be covered by a bikini. Of course, if you do not properly take care of yourself, you may require another surgery in due time. You may also need a surgery to deal with your scars, old and new.

Interested in Learning More about Tummy Tucks? Contact Dr. Frank.

If you are interested in abdominoplasty in Calgary, contact us today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you.

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4 Things To Know About Tummy Tucks

Tummy TuckAbdominoplasty–commonly known as a tummy tuck–is an extremely popular surgical procedure that rejuvenates and reshapes the contour of the stomach an waist. If you’re considering this procedure, read up on these facts to get better acquainted.

Facts About Abdominoplasty

  1. It is the most effective procedure for eliminating stubborn belly fat. A tummy tuck is the most effective solution when it comes to getting rid of excess pockets of fat and loose, sagging abdominal skin. This procedure creates a smoother, curvier contour and a more taut stomach.
  2. It tightens both muscles and skin. Mothers are one of the most common tummy tuck patients, and for good reason. A tummy tuck not only trims away excess fat and skin, but also tightens the muscles of the abdomen, which can become separated and bulge following the rigors of pregnancy and child birth. This effectively creates a firmer, more narrow waist for women looking to restore their bodies following pregnancy.
  3. It is not a major weight loss solution. While abdominoplasty is very effective at removing small pockets of fat from a targeted area, the procedure is not designed for patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight. In fact, A major change in weight following a tummy tuck can alter the results for the surgery. Therefore, patients who wish to lose weight are encouraged to do so before undergoing the procedure.
  4. Results are gradual. Since a tummy tuck is an invasive surgery, your body takes time to heal. A typical recovery period following abdominoplasty can take anywhere from two months to several months. Temporary drains may be required to eliminate fluid at the surgical site. Though a scar spanning hip-to-hip will be present, it is made so low that it can be covered by a bathing suit. With a balanced diet and regular exercise the results of a tummy tuck will last for a long time.

Interested In Learning More About Abdominoplasty? Contact Dr. Ryan Frank Today

If you are interested in tummy tuck surgery in Calgary, contact us today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Liposuction Vs. Tummy Tuck: Which Option Is Right For Me?

tummy tuckThe abdomen is a common trouble spot for many people. Whether due to fluctuations in weight, pregnancy and childbirth, or simply the natural aging process, the stomach and abdominal area can go through many changes. Many adults develop areas of stubborn fat and loose skin that are resistant to diet and exercise. Those individuals who desire a more toned, shapely waist and abdomen may benefit from body contouring procedures such as liposuction or abdominoplasty. These procedures can help to flatten the stomach and shape the waist for a taut, rejuvenated appearance.


An abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a procedure that significantly flattens the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the abdominal muscles. The best candidates for this procedure are overall healthy adults who have loose skin and pockets of excess fat. This surgery is not recommended for patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight, or woman who may become pregnant in the future, since significant changes in weight may alter results. A tummy tuck is performed in abut two to three hours. Recovery time will vary from patient to patient, though it typically takes anywhere from 6 weeks to a few months following surgery. The procedure will leave a scar on the lower abdomen spanning from hip to hip, though it is made low enough that it can easily be hidden with clothing or a bathing suit. With proper weight management and exercise, the results of a tummy tuck are long-lasting.


Liposuction is a less invasive and more customizable approach to body contouring. This technique works best for patients who are close to their goal weight but have pockets of excess fat in targeted areas. It is not a treatment for significant weight loss or loose skin. Liposuction sculpts and slims these areas by removing fat cells through a small suction tube, known as a cannula.  Recovery time is typically much quicker.

Want To Learn More About Body Contouring Procedures? Contact Dr. Frank

If you are interested in body contouring in Calgary, contact us today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you.

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What Is An Abdominoplasty?

tummy tuckAbdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that improves the contour of the abdomen and waist. A tummy tuck flattens the stomach area by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the muscles.

What does the tummy tuck procedure involve?

In most cases, the abdominoplasty procedure takes about two to three hours, and is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery requires two incisions– one from hipbone to hipbone, close to the pubic area, and another around the navel.   The skin is then separated from the abdominal muscles which are then pulled together and stitched. This provides a taut abdomen and smoother waist. Next, liposuction is performed on the abdomen and flanks. The remaining skin flap is then pulled down over the tightened muscles and excess skin is removed. The navel is reattached in a natural position.

Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

This procedure is designed for individuals in overall good health and who have a normal body weight, but loose, sagging or stretched skin in the abdomen that does not respond to diet or exercise. These conditions are common in women who have experienced pregnancy and delivery, or those who have undergone significant weight loss. It is also important that abdominoplasty patients do not smoke.

Women who are considering future pregnancies are encouraged to postpone a tummy tuck until they are done with child bearing. This is because pregnancy can have an adverse effect on the results of the surgery.

How long is the recovery for a tummy tuck?

The complete recovery time following a tummy tuck varies from case to case, but typically takes up to 3 months. The recovery process may include the insertion of a temporary tube to drain excess fluid from the site of the surgery.

The procedure will leave a scar spanning the length of the abdomen, from hip to hip. Dr. Frank will make the incision as low as possible so that the scar can be covered by a bathing suit.

With proper diet and exercise, the results of a tummy tuck will be long-lasting.

Abdominoplasty in Calgary

If you are interested in abdominoplasty or would like to learn more about any of the other cosmetic surgery procedures we offer, contact Dr. Frank today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you!

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