Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world today. The surgery consists of inserting implants to make the patient’s breasts larger, and can correct breasts that are uneven, or “deflated-looking.” Many women choose to undergo this procedure to restore size and volume to their breasts, after life-changing events such as pregnancy or significant weight-loss.
Despite the many benefits of this surgery, patients must be well-educated about the procedure beforehand. Like with every surgical procedure, breast augmentation does carry some risks for the patient. Some common risks of breast augmentation surgery will include changes in nipple sensation, swelling, pain, and possible scarring. Fortunately, when the procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon, there is little risk for any complications!
The main incision we prefer to use at our practice is the infra-areolar (just under the nipple). We prefer this incision because of the excellent scar it leaves, as well as the excellent surgical access it gives Dr. Frank.
Once you have determined that breast augmentation surgery is right for you, it is important to be realistic about your results. Breast augmentation surgery will not make you perfect, though it can make a great deal of difference in your appearance, and your confidence levels.
It is also important to take into consideration that breast implants will not last forever. Generally speaking, implants will last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. However, the implants we prefer to use (cohesive gel implants) will not rupture and are able to be left in patients without causing issues for many years, even decades. Women experience changes in their body over time, including changes related to pregnancy, menopause, weight gain or loss. In the future, patients may need to undergo a second breast augmentation surgery or a breast lift to restore their original results.
Before you choose to undergo any cosmetic surgery, it is important to listen to your surgeon and ask questions, so you will know that the procedure is right for you!
Breast Augmentation in Calgary
If you are interested in having breast augmentation surgery, or want to learn more about any other procedures we offer, contact us today. We can be reached at (403) 245-1228. We look forward to hearing from you!